The danger is even greater if the machine has just been stopped because fluids can be hot. Hold a rag over the cap or plug to prevent being sprayed or splashed by liquids under pressure. Be careful when removing filler caps, breathers and plugs on the machine. Use proper lifting procedures when removing any components. Please go carefully through the manual of the excavator before starting any repair work. This makes it important to use this manual and be caution when performing service work. The serviceman or mechanic may be unfamiliar with many of the systems on this machine. The Kobelco SK135SR-2, SK135SRLC-2 Repair Manual has been written for the repair specialist. Read and understand all Warning plates and decal on the machine before Operating, Maintaining or Repairing this machine. The SK135SR-2, SK135SRLC-2 Preface Instructions Procedure Of Installing Options Section.Kobelco SK135SR-2, SK135SRLC-2 Excavator Service Manual – 1195 Pages.

Manual for: Excavator SK135SR-2, SK135SRLC-2 Description Kobelco SK135SR-2, SK135SRLC-2 Hydraulic Excavator Repair Service Manual